Freak: Instant Gaming and Messaging app

4.1 ( 6201 ratings )

World’s 1st Instant Gaming app!!
Freak is a FREE platform available on Smartphones where you can instantly connect and play many games with anyone in the Phone Book and Chat simultaneously in one single app. Starting from Short Games like Tic Tac Toe to prolonged Chess, Arm wrestling or Game of Truth, Freak has it all.
More and more FREE games will be added every month to keep the excitement going.

Gaming Features:

• Maintaining a Gaming Profile- “Create your own Gaming Profile with a cool and Unique Gaming Name, Track your overall Gaming Scores and History of Wins and Loses.”
• Flaunt the awarded Titles- “Earn funky Gaming Titles based on your performance and flaunt them on your profile.”
• Async Mode- “No need to be online together. Challenge a friend and play games turn by turn as per your comfort.”
• Cross Platform- “Play games and chat irrespective of any mobile platform. Freak is available on Major Platform.”
• No Social Media Interference- “Avoid hassle login through social media accounts (Facebook, Google+ or Game Centres) to play multiplayer games. Register once with your phone number and you’re good to go.”
• Go Solo with Single Player- “No one to play with? Use the single player mode by Freak to save you from boredom.”

Other Cool Features:

1] Multiple DPs- “Set upto 4 Profile Pictures and flaunt 4 times much.”

2] Unlimited Group- “Add as many members to a group and have fun Gaming and Chatting”

3] Tagging: “Tag your friends to point them in your Group or Status”

Download now, create your Gang and have endless fun!!!
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